Capability & Skills Training

Sustaining the Skills

Sentinel passionately believe in sustaining of the skills learnt through our workshops and programmes.

Sustaining the Skills

Sentinel programme design has a built-in Embedding Workshop. This provides a classic ‘Explain and Demonstrate, Apply and Consolidate’ cycle. A ‘Coaching Essentials’ guide will be provided to all managers of delegates who attend a Sentinel Workshop or Programme. On one page this breaks down the coaching role on the job.

The application period prior to the embedding day enables focus on the practical issues faced by individuals. The Sentinel team will be on hand to resolve these, and then formally on the Embedding Workshop.

A detailed 4 page delegate feedback report with 32 skill ratings, quick wins and trainer feedback provides the manager with focus areas for their teams.

In addition to the Embedding Workshops, the two formats detailed below have been proven to continue to deliver benefits around specific individual issues – these provide a flexible and on-going support to the Immersion and Embedding modules.

  • A one day Workshop with commercial teams – to work on a specific business issue, or negotiation opportunity. We use a collaborative approach to develop solutions and test-run selling and negotiation planning and execution prior to ‘live’ meetings. Team alignment is a benefit as well as efficient high quality preparation and rehearsal. 
  • Sentinel Account and Client Clinics  – one day Workshops to provide 1 to 1 feedback and individual consultancy support around development or business issues.

Sentinel Management Consultants deliver sales, negotiation, planning and finance training courses for our clients worldwide.